
Cutting Olives

Well, today I cut olives for the first time. Wanted to put it into the pasta I cooked for dinner. I realise that the olives you see on you pizza or at subway was not so easy to cut. If you have seen an olive before, you will know that around 50% of the thing is the seed. And the seed is smack in the centre. And the fleshy bits stick to it, unfortunately. So, its inpossible to cut it evenly into 3 parts and just chuck away the seed.
What is a good way I found out was that you can cut the two corners. The trick to cutting them is to cut until you hit the seed, the slowly go up and then come back down. By doing that, you take most of the top and bottom off. For the centre part, you will need to cut it in along the length of the seed. After that you will have to peel it directly around the seed. And voila. You have seperated the olives from the seed and now can be cooked!
*The process takes around 30 sec for novices and 20 secs for the nimble fingered.

1 comment:

Shamir Muhammad said...

that's 2 to 3 olives a minute... wow... super slow. remind me never to be caught having to cut olives.