

On tue, Tsang and myself played a game of WoTR. I played the baddies. The game started with the main activities happening for sauron vs gondor. All the forces in mordor moved west to Minas Tirith and gondor retreated back in. Unfortunately for me, Aragon also made it there and after a few rounds of fighting, I concluded that I could not take the city filled with the dwarf, elf and man, so I decided to leave it at a stale mate till the Southrons got their act together.

While the main action was going on down south, the forces in Dol Guldur somehow grew, so they poured out. Towards Lorien! Haha, if only the elves predicted their doom! Lorien was run over without difficulty. Also, Moria was growing stronger(stronger then the Mordor army no doubt), so Rivendale was the next easiest target, with the elves not even at war. So the forces of Dol Guldur combined with Moria and some from the north to move towards Rivendale.

It was after quite a while that both Isengard and Southrons got into a state of war. The Southrons tried a naval landing at Dol Amroth but due to their lack of luck, they did not take the town. Even more unfortunely, the witch king and 4 nazguls lost their lives(wait, they already lost that, so lost their souls?) there. Guess that would be the lowest point for the baddies.

Saruman on the other hand was having a ball of a time. Instead of usually dying from trees, he actually survived 2 attacks and managed to build up a considerable force, which was not deployed. The forces of Gondor with the support of Rohan eventually got too bold and pushed the remainding forces of sauron back to Minas Mogul. Haha, so the shadow forces were almost fortified in. Unknowingly, they would pay for their aggressiveness. Up north, Rivendale had fallen and the army moved west as Tom Bomberdale protected the east. The force reached to attack the Woodland Realm, which the elves wisely retreated away.

Gandalf the white must have gotten tired of waiting for Saruman to attack, so he initated it. A strong Rohan force moved towards Isengard. They forces Saruman to fortify up in his tower. But together with some units built in the north, they forced the rohan back to Helm's Deep, where depleted from their attack, they were wiped out. Haha, got rid of Gandalf!

The ring which was travelling slowly was finally in Mordor. Frodo had no corruption! Even the stupid spider could only deal 1 corruption. While wondering in Mordor, the final events were taking place outside. Isengard's army took an empty Edoras while the remenants of saurons forces just managed to reach Minas Tirith. Mouth of Sauron finally did not just talk cock, but managed to take the city. It was achieved on the last dice of my turn. If I had 1 die less, the ring would have most likely been destroyed as it was on the last step! A photo-finish. An interesting game no doubt where the shadow player felt sian but still won. haha.

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