
LOTR ~ Parallel Universe

Another night of WOTR and yet a completely different story it turned out to be.

Saruman started by coming out early, and being aggressive. The uruk hai made short work of Rohan, completely overrunning them, with no chance of survival. It was quick and unfortunate, Rohan was history so quickly.

Saruman then moved to defend himself, from the dangerous trees, haha, but he did not need it. Aragon made it to Minas Tirith to be crowned and Gondor stood strong, too strong for 20 sauron units, 10 southerons and 6 elite isengard units to take it. It was a deadlock.

So the battle raged North. Lorien was whacked by the Balrog and the forces from Dol Guldor made short work of those remaining. Rivendale fell next, under that same force, which was lead by the Mouth of Sauron. Interesting his encounter must have been with Elron. Forces from Angmar and Mount Gundabad came down on the shire and conquered it easily. Far north east, Dale was left unguarded and the Eastlings took it easily. The Free Peoples lost when Peligar fell. Gondor too contributed to their demise.

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