
255% left to go

Right now some groupmates of mine are printing out a 50% group assignment to be submitted in under an hour. Quite interesting, wonder why people like doing things so last minute. Maybe its the thrill of working till the last moment. More likely its laziness. Or its just cos ppl are not bother with producing quality. Nothing comes free and hardwork usually translates into good results (although I have been proven wrong both ways). I guess if I get a HD for this cheap module I wont really complain and just look past the issue, so see what comes.

This group had quite an interesting politics going on. On Wednesday, the main leader (a woman) confronted one of the members and asked him why he claimed that another group member did not do his work (more of a misunderstanding then the guy not really doing his work). So that was quite interesting. I am quite neutral to the particular matter, but I am kinda of support the accused guy, mainly cos he has done a better job in the project then the woman.

The woman was also quite interesting. Saying things like the guy will sabotage the project, so exclude him. I am think that is quite cock, cos he did do a better job then her in the 1st place and with so little time, keeping good quality ppl is essential. I guess instead of making assumptions in the matter, the woman should have found out the reasoning and thought about the matter objectively. And she should have put in more effort into her parts of the project. Diplomacy with a stick, thats always important.

Well, yesterday they seem to have sorted the episode for now, although the woman and the group member who 'did not do his part' left the group for like 30min, definately to discuss what to do with him. At least they have agreed to have a session next week to discuss the issue.

Well, at least this is over, still got 4 more of these project to finish. Can't wait for October.

1 comment:

Shamir Muhammad said...

Diplomacy with a stick... that's how it always works best.

I like to think of it as diplomacy works best when someone's carrying a gun.