
Here's an idea...

Don't know how it fits in into the bigger scheme of things... but was just rambling to SJ about it, since he would be one of my candidates. this 'ramble' is of course in context directed at him, but i think i managed to keep the essence of my message. in other words, i'd twist it slightly depending on who i am telling it to.

here goes:

"Well, simply put, I'm interested in. (key word being 'interested in', meaning i have not done anything other than to express interest) in creating a series of videos for our youths to consume. This is mainly in line with what they can do within their capabilities. The main thing of course is 'training', in the sense, showcasing the normal outdoorish stuff every UG learns (or maybe only some UGs). Lighting fires, cooking, knots etc etc etc. But as you have been highlighting in your life's message, which as much as I don't show it, I am actually paying attention to, is about protecting the environment, or at least having a consideration for it. So, I am thinking, if i can think of creating 'categories' for these other 'outdoor' things, like cooking, notes, map reading etc, it is only appropriate to create a segment that is... how shall i put it, that is right up your alley. Besides the big narrative of saving the planet, what I am more interested in is not so much the big scale of things like how to be a 'good scout', or a 'good cook' or a good 'global citizen', but i am more interested in documenting clearly, showcasing objectives, methods, precautions and purposes of the small things that affect the big things. Like, its not about being a sailor that matters to me as much as being someone good at knots and sea navigation. and like wise, its not so much about saving the planet as it is about doing the small things that will end up working towards the same cause. in that context, you can think of a video segment that is about hiking and one of the 'small things' is about bending branches that are in your way out of the way, instead of breaking it or chopping it off, so you can see, how the objectives, methods, precautions and purposes fit in. and so much more... the small simple things. That's what i want to capture. but mainly it is about showcasing basic skills. As for output, I am thinking DVDs inclusive of a 'Disc 2' containing the same videos in iPod/PSP format... portable viewing. and included in the DVD package is, of course, the booklet that contains the same messages in written format. and then selling the final packaging to everyone at a low cost so that students are willing to buy, and instead of making a lot of money for me/us, just enough cover costs... maybe you can see where you might fit in.. maybe you can't. but i must emphasize that this is only an idea that I am very highly interested in doing. but for now, it is only an idea, and it is only interest. I will need to take some concrete steps to make it a reality, first and foremost is selling the idea and forming a team. haha.. you have the priveledge of being the first to hear my idea while its still in its incubation."

1 comment:

creature comfort said...

i applaud your idea! Show the small stuff rather than the megalomaniac plans that the people of our world today are too keen on doing..