
Math, then law. So what's next?

Wah lau you guys are putting the rest of us in your shadow eh? I was gonna talk about all that finance stuff i was learning in class. But.. I can't really remember it! Hahaha.

Okok. But seriously. I've really been quite bored at school. The only thing that's really interesting are the 2 jazz/latin bands that I get to play in. That's about what I look forward to in school. We basically have a studio in school with drums and amplifiers and stuff and I get to use that studio to jam and play whatever I want!

Other than that school really is not very interesting. The module that I'm taking on New York has stopped lessons. We will resume only when we are actually in the big apple! So I'm looking forward to it. But it isn't very interesting at all when it's not even a module that I can attend at the moment!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, NZ also got kicked out of the rugby world cup, so another more crappier team is through.

Maybe we can ask shamir how the kangroos are feeling now that aussie is also out.