
Re-Reply: 10 years to this day

Can't remember who was the head of state for that parade, it was SR's first? What I remember about the parade itself was observing Lam (diagonally infront of me) look up at the planes flying past. Alot of toe wriggling and alot of free food during the trainings. Early teenagers wont work for peanuts, but they work well for free pizza hut or KFC meals. Throw in the bonus can drinks and black jelly and they are highly motivated to stand still for one hour.

To more important matters, I considered the training for the parades we did (Gab did one, Chua none [not leaving out you guys ;)]} the starting point of our friendship. Not that we did not know each other in sec 1s, remember comparing which patrol had to do the most push-ups (clement always had plenty to give), but the footdrill trainings was THE FIRST event to bond us together. Of course AFGMs, PLTC, Orientation Camps, RTC, PLCs and dealing with the ah-beng scouts one batch lower provided the problems that required us working together and thus a strong level of trust was formed as we tackled these problems together. Thats how I look at it and I think its about right...


Shamir Muhammad said...

right on... and then it just worked its way up to dealing with LK and doing the cycling trip and exploring venturing on our own also... and here we are... poly JC days over, even NS days over, now coming into our later years of uni... no need to worry about what's next.

Gabriel Wu said...

wow it's been loooooong....

I also distinctly recall varun slipping rubbish into my pockets, while we were dealing with the problem of ah beng scouts... damn varun!

Anonymous said...

yup, needs some practice to be successful at putting things into the pockets of teachers, so you helped me out there. thanks.